Allie + Andrew | Clemson, South Carolina Proposal

Congrats to Allie and Andrew who recently got engaged on the campus of Clemson University! Shout to out Andrew for reaching out to ask me to document this moment in their relationship. Really enjoyed being able to shoot under the fall color with these two! Congrats!

Katie+Jay | Charleston, South Carolina Proposal

Congrats to Jay and Katie on their recent engagement! Jay and I had classes at Clemson together nearly a decade ago. Even though we had not seen each other in years, Jay thought to reach out to ask me to shoot his proposal in Charleston. Whenever I can shoot in Charleston I am all for it , so it was an easy answer on my end to help out! Jay had a general idea of where he wanted to ask the big question just near the Cooper River Bridge. We fine tuned the logistics the day of through a variety of calls, texts, and makeshift diagrams ha. It is always rewarding to capture proposals when so many unknown variables are present.

Congrats Jay and Katie!